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Canada Visa Interview About Canadian Immigration

CIC Interview For Canadian Visa, Detail Citizenship and Immigration Canada Interview,
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Interviews with CIC HQs, Regions and Local Offices

After your arrival in Canada, an officer from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will talk to you about your tour to Canada. It will usually be rapid / fast / quick interview.

If you give false or incomplete information then after it’s prove You will not be allowed into Canada, or if you do not satisfy the officer you are suitable for entry into Canada. You will also have to satisfy the officer that you will leave Canada at the end of the temporary period authorised for your stay.

It is possible that CIC officer ask about your cash deposit for security if the officer believes you need extra motivation to respect the conditions of your temporary stay in Canada. The deposit will be returned after you leave Canada if you have not broken the conditions imposed on you.

The CIC interview panel or research team which conducted interviews with 18 individuals—often in a group interview setting. Of those, six (6) individuals were interviewed at HQs and 12 were interviewed from the regions/local offices. Interviews were conducted in-person if the respondent was located in the National Capital Region or in a city visited as part of the focus groups. It is also possible that interviews may be conducted over the telephone. Interviewees may invite to participate in their preferred official language.

Interviews with Service Providers and Stakeholder Organizations

GGI conducted a total of 12 service provider interviews and two (2) stakeholder interviews. Interviews with service providers differed from those conducted as part of the survey in that this line of evidence probed more deeply into issues of program relevance, design, overall success and alternatives.
As for the interviews with CIC, interviews conducted in Ottawa and in the sites visited for the focus groups were conducted in-person.

About Children under the age of 16:

If you are going to Canada with a child and are not the child’s parent or guardian, then you should bring a letter from the parent of the minor child you are travelling with.
If you are coming with your child and are the only guardian, in this case you should bring documentation showing the child has no other guardians.

Canadian Immigration lobby will have to take enforcement action against any person who does not respect Immigration rules. Persons who are not allowed into Canada or who are asked to leave have the right to an impartial hearing to review the decision.

You may not work or study in Canada without CIC permission. You will be asked to leave Canada if you work or study without permission. A Tourist Visa for Canada does not allow for work or study. Canada offers different visas for these pursuits.

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