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Canadian Work Permit - Canada Employment Visa

Every year, over 90,000 foreign workers enter Canada to work temporarily in jobs that help Canadian employers address skill shortages, or as live-in caregivers.
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Every passing year, over 90,000 foreign workers are entering into Canada to work temporarily help Canadian employers address skill shortages, or as live-in caregivers.

Canadian work permit is must be required for most temporary jobs in Canada, though for some positions and business people it is not necessary.

Who can apply for this visa

Some temporary jobseeker need a work permit and some do not. For some categories of workers, permits are approved more quickly.

The requirements and processing times depend on the sort of work you will do when you come to Canada.

You should remember that, even if you do not need a work permit, you may need to meet other requirements. There is a difference between coming to Canada as a business visitor and coming to Canada as a business people.

Here is the documents list which you should be required for apply work permit visa to Canada,

a job offer from a Canadian employer
a completed application, that shows that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and
written confirmation from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) that the employer can hire a foreign worker to fill the job. This confirmation is called a positive labour market opinion.
In most cases, it is up to your employer to get that written confirmation. Information on the labour market opinion is found under Information for Canadian employers on the right-hand side of this page.
In some cases, you do not need a labour market opinion. (See Jobs that require a work permit but no labour market opinion.)

You must also do the following:

Satisfy a visa officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your work permit.
Show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while you are in Canada.
Respect the law and have no criminal record. (You may have to provide a police clearance certificate. See have a medical exam or criminal check done in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.)
Show that you are not a risk to the security of Canada.
Be in good health. (You may have to have a medical examination.)

Some temporary foreign workers can have Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) start processing their work permit applications before a Canadian visa office has an approved labour market opinion. To find out more, see Concurrent processing: NOC, levels O, A and B in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.

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